
  • My Sigma Nu Pilgrimages

    As we publicized the Theta Kappa Chapter's "Road to the Rock" pilgrimage in April 2014, many alumni told us their stories and/or shared pictures of their pilgrimage. We decided to capture those so others would see the meaning and impact. Some alumni, parents, and friends sent "best wishes", so we want to publish those as well.


  • My Pilgrimage


    Thank you for providing us this update! Please feel free to send more information, a letter, and/or photos/video clips to alumni@SigmaNuGSU.com.

  • Update your Alumni-Member Information!

    Alumni Tidbits - The latest scoop on your friends and brothers!


  • Read the "Road to the Rock" Newsletter


    Read about the "Road to the Rock" pilgrimage - click on the image above. 

  • Sigma Nu Homecoming 2014 at GSU


  • Sigma Nu Epsilon Tau Tau - For Life